Polish & Russian cuisine

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Items 11 - 14 of 14

The Dovgan Brand's Wide Range of Products

On the one hand, the Dovgan brand's product range can be differentiated by the countries of origin of the products. On the other hand, there is the aforementioned subdivision into the three categories of dry products, fresh products, and frozen products. In addition to Russian specialties, the company offers food from Poland, Romania, and regions of the Adriatic. Since Andrej Kowalew was able to acquire the rights to distribute products from the Russian food manufacturer in 1998, the Dovgan brand has gained increasing popularity in Germany and other European countries. Since 2002, Dovgan GmbH has been producing frozen food - about 200 tons per year - in its own Rostock plant. In 2003, the company was able to add Finland, Belgium, Holland, and Portugal as customers for Dovgan products.

If you want to invite your friends to a Russian evening or treat yourself to Eastern European specialties, you've come to the right place in our food delivery: Choose from dry products such as Dovgan millet and Dovgan buckwheat as well as various canned goods (with meat, fish, or vegetables). Our products give you the opportunity to either cook a typical Russian dish or put together various ingredients for a very special buffet.

Processing Buckwheat and Millet

Buckwheat is considered a pseudo-cereal. It is a herbaceous plant whose grains can be processed in various ways - such as into flour, grits, or groats. The consumption of buckwheat is particularly recommended for people suffering from celiac disease. Russia is the world's largest producer of wheat, so buckwheat is one of the foods that is widely processed and enjoyed in Russia. A typical Russian recipe is Gretschnewaja Kascha (buckwheat porridge). If you want to cook it, you will need, apart from buckwheat, water, sea salt, butter, and bay leaves. First, rinse the buckwheat several times with cold water, bring half a liter of water to a boil, and add the buckwheat, a bay leaf, a pinch of sea salt, and a teaspoon of butter. Let the ingredients boil for ten minutes. Then the Kascha has to simmer for another 15 minutes until all the water has been absorbed. Kascha goes well with fried or grilled meat. However, you can also sweeten Kascha with some sugar, honey, or jam and serve it with fruit.

For millet, the same applies as for buckwheat: It is suitable for making gluten-free baked goods. "Graupen" is the German term for polished grains that are mostly round. Depending on their size, they are classified as coarse, medium, or fine. You probably know Graupen as an ingredient in stews and soups. Both in Russian and Polish cuisine, Graupen are used as a side dish. How about a delicious pumpkin-millet casserole? For this casserole, you will need 200 grams of millet, 500 grams of pumpkin, half a liter of milk, 100 grams of cheese, two eggs, and some honey and salt. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds, and then cut the pumpkin into pieces about two centimeters in size. Heat the butter in a pan and cook the pumpkin pieces in it for about 15 minutes. Wash the millet in warm water and then pour boiling water over it (to eliminate the bitter taste). Bring 400 milliliters of water to a boil, add salt and the millet. After a cooking time of ten minutes, the porridge is half ready and should be skimmed once. Pour the milk over the pumpkin and briefly let the milk boil. Then stir in the millet porridge and salt (to taste). Once the oven has reached a temperature of 130 degrees Celsius, pour the mixture into a casserole dish or a roasting pan and cover. After half an hour, you can add the beaten eggs and sprinkle cheese over the casserole. After another ten minutes of cooking time at about 200 degrees Celsius, the pumpkin-millet casserole is ready. If you like, you can arrange it on plates and drizzle the portions with some honey. Melted butter should also be served separately so that everyone can help themselves.

Dovgan Brand Canned Goods

The best-known Ukrainian stew is undoubtedly Borscht, whose main ingredients are beets, white cabbage, carrots, onions, tomatoes, potatoes, and beef. Since Borscht is traditionally cooked at low heat, it requires a relatively long cooking time. You can save this time by opting for Dovgan Borscht - a ready-made product available in our store that just needs to be heated. By the way, Borscht is usually served as the first course of lunch and can also be eaten cold. Serve the Dovgan Borscht with sour cream or crème fraîche as well as fresh bread and herbs. In the 19th century, Borscht and Schtschi (whose main ingredient is white cabbage) were considered simple people's soups. The Dovgan cabbage rolls in tomato sauce are also ready to heat. These cabbage rolls, also called Golabki, are a traditional Polish dish: First, blanched white cabbage leaves are filled with minced meat, pre-cooked rice, fried onions, and spices. Then everything is rolled up into a roll and cooked in a pan with broth for 1-1.5 hours. Do you like pickled vegetables? Then you should definitely try Dovgan tomatoes and the fried eggplants "DOVGAN Russian kitchen". Both types of vegetables are pickled according to the Russian method. The spice broth of the tomatoes contains, among other things, paprika, cloves, and bay leaves. The eggplants are pickled with tomato paste, garlic, and chili peppers, among other things.

A typical Russian feast begins with various cold appetizers. Already in the 10th century, pickled vegetables and pickled fish were said to have been consumed in Russia before the main course. On the other hand, Russians have only known salad since the beginning of the 20th century. "Solenja" is the Russian term for pickled foods and until the 17th century, people in northern Russia used wine vinegar for pickling. In the south of the country, however, lactic acid fermentation was used to preserve food. Even today, Russians like to serve pickled vegetables or fruits as an appetizer, but also as a side dish for hearty meat dishes. Raw vegetables and fruits are usually pickled in wooden buckets or barrels. Glass jars and clay pots are also common. According to Russian tradition, the first new moon week is the ideal time to pickle raw foods. The full moon phase should be avoided. And what is an absolute must for an appetizer? Of course, a glass of vodka (translated as "little water"). You can find it in our store in the category of spirits: The selection of vodka is as extensive as that of Dovgan brand products. Nothing stands in the way of a perfectly successful Russian evening or a typical Russian menu.