Baking ingredients

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Baking ingredients - Everything you need for baking

Why choosing the right baking ingredients is so important

When baking, it's not only about using the right recipe and techniques - the choice of the right baking ingredients also plays a crucial role. Only by using high-quality and properly coordinated ingredients can you achieve a perfect result.

The most important ingredients for the dough


Flour is the basis of almost every dough. Depending on the intended use, there are different types of flour: For bread and rolls, for example, rye flour is suitable, while wheat flour or spelt flour is recommended for cakes and pastries.


Sugar not only serves as a sweetener, but also influences the consistency of the dough. Fine sugar, for example, is suitable for sponge cake, while brown sugar has a stronger taste and is used in brownies or cookies.


Yeast is responsible for the leavening of the dough. There is fresh yeast, dry yeast, and also yeast water. Which yeast you use depends on the type of dough and preferred method of working.


Butter provides the typical flavor and a soft consistency of baked goods. It can be replaced by margarine or oil, but then the consistency and taste of the end product will vary.

Other important baking ingredients

Baking powder

Baking powder is used to loosen and stabilize dough. It is a mixture of baking soda and acid and is mostly used in cakes, muffins or other pastries.


Chocolate is one of the most popular ingredients for sweet baked goods. The different types of chocolate, such as milk, dark or white chocolate, give every baked good a unique flavor.

Nuts and dried fruits

Nuts and dried fruits are perfect for upgrading cakes and pastries. They give the baked goods an additional flavor note and provide a crispy or juicy bite.

Vanilla extract

Vanilla extract is an important flavor carrier in many baked goods. It can be used in both liquid and solid form and gives the baked goods a sweet vanilla aroma.


Choosing the right baking ingredients is essential for the success of baked goods and desserts. Make sure to use high-quality and coordinated ingredients and experiment with different flavors and consistencies.