Durable whipped cream - delicious creaminess for every occasion

Whipped cream is one of the most versatile ingredients in the kitchen. It can be used for many different dishes and desserts and is always a real treat. Unfortunately, fresh cream only lasts a few days and therefore needs to be consumed quickly. This can be difficult, especially with larger quantities. Durable whipped cream offers a practical and delicious solution.

What is durable whipped cream?

Durable whipped cream is a variation of cream that lasts longer than fresh cream. It is pasteurized and then provided with a stabilizer, which ensures that the cream maintains its creamy consistency when whipped and does not collapse as quickly. As a result, it is still durable for several days even after opening.

How is durable whipped cream made?

Durable whipped cream is made from fresh cream, which is first pasteurized to kill off germs and extend its shelf life. Then, a stabilizer is added to ensure the cream's creaminess and stability when whipped. The cream is then filled into special cartons or bottles and sealed.

How is durable whipped cream used?

Durable whipped cream can be used like conventional cream and is particularly suitable for whipping for desserts, cakes and pies. It can also be used in sauces and soups to give them a creamy touch. It should be noted that it begins to curdle slightly faster than fresh cream due to the stabilizer. It is therefore recommended to whip the cream shortly before serving and to process it directly.

What are the advantages of durable whipped cream?

The biggest advantage of durable whipped cream is, of course, its longer shelf life. This makes it a practical solution when larger quantities of cream are needed or when fresh cream needs to be consumed quickly. It is also ideal for use in gastronomy due to its longer shelf life and higher stability when whipped.

In addition, durable whipped cream is also a taste alternative to fresh cream. It is slightly sweeter and has a more intense flavor. This can be an advantage for some dishes and desserts and can provide variety on the menu.


Durable whipped cream is a practical and delicious alternative to fresh cream. It is particularly suitable for use in gastronomy or when larger quantities of cream are required. It can also be a taste alternative to fresh cream. However, when using it in the kitchen, it should be noted that it curdles slightly faster than fresh cream due to the stabilizer and should therefore only be whipped shortly before serving.